Meet the ultimate app that styles your vibe for every scene.
No more closet panic with VERA – you're always on point.

Download now and start slaying your look every day!

Don't know VERA yet?!

Tu ne connais pas encore VERA ?!

En deux clics, tout ton dressing est dans ta poche

Il te suffit de prendre en photo tes vêtements, chaussures et accessoires. L’appli les ajoute instantanément dans ton dressing virtuel.

Swipe pour redécouvrir les vêtements que tu ne portes pas

Tous les jours, découvre des idées de looks spécialement sélectionnées pour toi, en accord avec la météo et tes plans du jour !

Inspire-toi des dressings et crée ta garde-robe

Suis les personnes qui t’inspirent et accède à tous leurs dressings !

Partage tes looks avec ta communauté

Avec VERA, c’est toi qui crées la tendance : poste tes looks en identifiant facilement chaque pièce de ta tenueTon style deviendra une véritable source d'inspiration pour tes followers.

Follow your friends and collect a ton of likes!

Get daily feedback from your crew on your latest style
Get the app!

Suis tes amis et récolte un max de likes !

Demande chaque jour à tes potes leurs avis sur tes nouvelles tenues 🔥
Je télécharge l'app !

Suis tes amis et récolte un max de likes !

Demande chaque jour à tes potes leurs avis sur tes nouvelles tenues 🔥

+250 000 members are already on the app!

Join the VERA community now!
"New wardrobe"

"It's amazing! I feel like I've got a whole new wardrobe without having bought anything! It's so helpful to get all my forgotten clothes on 🤩!"

Dylan - 7 Feb. 2022
"Infinite imagination"

"Thank you VERA! I usually run out of imagination when it comes to getting dressed in the morning, but not any more! 😍"

Léonie - 20th April 2023
"Clear, efficient and intuitive"

“It's clear, efficient and intuitive, so you can finally see your entire wardrobe! It allows you to take stock of everything you own and move towards more responsible, sustainable consumption.”

Laure - December 12th 2023

VERA in the press!

This free app scans your clothes and suggests your look for the day based on the weather.
Vera, the app that combats clothing waste
VERA, the mobile application for second-hand shopping, is now operational
Virtual dressing room application VERA launches into the second-hand sector
VERA launches ‘dénicher’ to promote the circular economy
5 apps to help you create outfits
VERA: rediscover your dressing room with this application
Can AI contribute to Sustainable Development in the fashion industry?
Nada Bargachi, businesswoman
An app suggests outfits based on weather and wardrobe
VERA, the app that will revolutionise fashionistas' dressing rooms?
VERA, the app for rediscovering your dressing room
VERA: what if you let artificial intelligence choose your clothes?
VERA, an app to combat over-consumption of clothing!
VERA, the app that recommends outfits according to the weather
VERA, the app that suggests three outfits a day depending on the weather
VERA, the virtual stylist
With VERA, you can stop saying ‘I've got nothing to wear’!
VERA, the intelligent virtual cloakroom
VERA, the virtual dressing room application, raises €8 million
This free app scans your clothes and suggests your look for the day based on the weather.
Vera, the app that combats clothing waste
VERA, the mobile application for second-hand shopping, is now operational
Virtual dressing room application VERA launches into the second-hand sector
VERA launches ‘dénicher’ to promote the circular economy
5 apps to help you create outfits
VERA: rediscover your dressing room with this application
Can AI contribute to Sustainable Development in the fashion industry?
Nada Bargachi, businesswoman
An app suggests outfits based on weather and wardrobe
VERA, the app that will revolutionise fashionistas' dressing rooms?
VERA, the app for rediscovering your dressing room
VERA: what if you let artificial intelligence choose your clothes?
VERA, an app to combat over-consumption of clothing!
VERA, the app that recommends outfits according to the weather
VERA, the app that suggests three outfits a day depending on the weather
VERA, the virtual stylist
With VERA, you can stop saying ‘I've got nothing to wear’!
VERA, the intelligent virtual cloakroom
VERA, the virtual dressing room application, raises €8 million
Virtual dressing room application VERA launches into the second-hand sector
VERA, an app to combat over-consumption of clothing!
VERA launches ‘dénicher’ to promote the circular economy
5 apps to help you create outfits
VERA: rediscover your dressing room with this application
Vera, the app that combats clothing waste
This free app scans your clothes and suggests your look for the day based on the weather.
Can AI contribute to Sustainable Development in the fashion industry?
An app suggests outfits based on weather and wardrobe
VERA, the app that will revolutionise fashionistas' dressing rooms?
VERA, the app for rediscovering your dressing room
With VERA, you can stop saying ‘I've got nothing to wear’!
VERA, the mobile application for second-hand shopping, is now operational
VERA, the virtual dressing room application, raises €8 million
VERA: what if you let artificial intelligence choose your clothes?
VERA, the app that suggests three outfits a day depending on the weather
VERA, the virtual stylist
VERA, the app that recommends outfits according to the weather
Nada Bargachi, businesswoman
VERA, the intelligent virtual cloakroom
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